Seven Ways Technology Is Changing the Future of Water

April 5, 2021 10:34 pm Leave your thoughts

It will always be H2O, but water (and how we use it) will look different in the future. Innovations are changing how water is accessed, processed and used. Thanks to new technology, water is providing new solutions that would have seemed like science fiction just 10 years ago. Check out a few of the ways in which industrial water purification in Cincinnati, OH is changing the future of water. Water from manure We’ve come a long way in high-tech filtration methods. The latest innovation has huge potential. A new water filtration technology can transform cow manure into filtered water to... View Article

How to Maintain Your Industrial Water Softener

March 18, 2021 6:30 am Leave your thoughts

As with any piece of industrial equipment, your water softener requires ongoing care and maintenance to ensure it remains in efficient and reliable working order for as long as possible. Part of this means scheduling regular visits with water softener technicians, who can perform thorough inspections and make recommendations for repairs and fine-tuning as needed. One of the biggest industrial water softener FAQs we receive from our Cincinnati, OH clients concerns what to expect from a professional inspection of their water softening system. Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll likely have included in your water softener inspection: Water hardness... View Article

Everything to Know About SDI Water

March 4, 2021 6:30 am Leave your thoughts

SDI water treatment in Cincinnati, OH is a process designed to reduce or remove suspended solids in the water to improve its quality and prevent side effects like corrosion. The term SDI refers to silt density index, or a measurement of the total amount of suspended solids in the water. The SDI measurements help users determine the presence and number of substances that could lead to negative impacts. This index is frequently used on a large scale in water treatment plants. Here’s a quick overview of everything you need to know about SDI and how to account for it in... View Article

Why Water Quality Is So Important in Retirement Homes and Assisted Living Centers

February 19, 2021 2:40 am Leave your thoughts

It goes without saying that adequate purification systems are what keep us healthy. Everyone needs clean water, which makes it hard to believe that some retirement homes and assisted living centers in Cincinnati, OH don’t prioritize regular water quality checks. The following health concerns arise in facilities that don’t maintain their commercial water purification systems. Lead poisoning and contamination Assisted living communities with private water sources have to pay special attention to their purification systems. Unlike municipal supplies, private water wells aren’t subjected to the city regulations in Cincinnati, OH. It falls on the facility provider to maintain their commercial... View Article

Ways You Could Be Reducing the Lifespan of Your Deionization (DI) Resin

February 5, 2021 2:40 am Leave your thoughts

Deionization resin is the bead-like substance found in water filtration systems. The resin attracts ions in chlorine, sulfate, iron and other harmful contaminants. Ion exchange is necessary in medical settings because it purifies water. However, multiple factors can hinder the water purification process. Consult a water treatment expert in Cincinnati, OH if your facilities have experienced any of the following circumstances. High levels of contaminants The resin in your deionizer will have a much shorter lifespan if it’s constantly exposed to poor water quality. Traces of chlorine that pass through the deionizer will break down the resin over time, hindering... View Article