
Why Does My Water Taste Like This?

May 17, 2019 6:55 am Leave your thoughts

Water is quite literally the essence of life. Without enough of it, our bodies don’t function as they should, which can sadly lead to a variety of serious health problems. We know that drinking water throughout the day is crucial, but what if that water tastes or smells funny? It’s tough to get past the fact that you’re drinking something that tastes or smells gross, even if you know that it’s important for your health. This post will cover the meaning behind those bad tastes and how you can get rid of them with commercial water purification in Cincinnati, OH!... View Article

Top Drinks for Your Office This Summer!

May 3, 2019 6:55 am Leave your thoughts

Having refreshments at the office for your employees and visitors is a nice touch. It makes guests feel welcomed, it keeps everyone hydrated and it can even provide a bit of a morale boost. Now that it’s almost summer, we feel like it’s a good time to step up your refreshment game with some new options to keep people cool and hydrated! Here are a few drink ideas for the summer season. Iced water: Drinking eight glasses of water a day is essential for one’s overall health, and it’s also proven to make employees more alert and productive throughout the... View Article