July 16, 2020 11:48 pm
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Eighty five percent of water available in the U.S. is considered “hard” water. This refers to water with high mineral content, including calcium and magnesium. In commercial settings, hard water is difficult on equipment, and higher mineral content may affect the quality of your products or make sanitizing areas difficult. Fortunately, there is a hard water test available if you are concerned about these impacts. Here is what to know about testing for hard water in Cincinnati, OH. Effects of hard water Generally, hard water leaves spots, damages pipes and is hard on your machinery. If you are in an... View Article
July 2, 2020 11:48 pm
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As populations become increasingly concerned about access to clean water, there is frequent discussion of desalinators. What is a desalinator? Simply put, a desalinator in Cincinnati, OH removes impurities and salt from water to make it safe for sensitive commercial and industrial applications. This is accomplished through reverse osmosis, and we offer this service to distilleries, nursing homes, hospitals and other settings requiring water purity. At this time, there are four types of desalinators. Here’s a closer look at them: Individual: These indicate the class of desalinators designed for household use. You will also find them in smaller commercial settings... View Article
June 15, 2020 11:16 pm
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Hard water can cause damage to pipes, appliances and even skin. Hard water occurs when minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, build up in the water throughout the water cycle. The hardness of the water depends on the amount of minerals in the water, and the harder the water, the more damage occurs. To avoid damage to your products and equipment, your establishment should invest in and use a commercial water softener in Cincinnati, OH and enjoy numerous benefits in the process. A water softener works by using ion exchange, in which hard water goes through the water softener and... View Article
June 1, 2020 11:16 pm
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We are very fortunate to live in a country where many of us can take clean water for granted, having it delivered right to our home or business without a second thought. In fact, the United States has the largest water network in the world, giving many people access to safe water. Because of this, you may not have considered adding restaurant water filtration in Cincinnati, OH to your business. Even though water is usually safe to drink, cook and clean with, there are many advantages to adding a water filtration system to your restaurant, including eliminating any concern that... View Article
May 14, 2020 10:02 pm
Published by Writer
If you run a commercial or industrial site, then there’s a lot of things you need to keep an eye on, including supply chains, budgets and personnel management. It can seem like there’s always something more to do, so you might not always be thinking about certain infrastructure in your building, from the HVAC to the lighting to the plumbing. This is totally understandable—you have a lot on your plate. However, this is where partnering with an experienced water management team can play to your advantage, since you can outsource some of those plumbing concerns to our team of professional... View Article