Author Archives for admin

Do Breweries and Distilleries Need Water Treatment?

February 16, 2020 6:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Brewers and distillers worldwide know the importance of using clean, fresh water for their products. If you’ve been relying on your municipal water source without a purification system in place, you’re risking poor flavor and a lot of added chemicals, minerals and other elements that will affect the brewing and fermenting processes, potentially resulting in an unpleasant final flavor. Therefore, it’s critical to have a water treatment system in place for breweries and distilleries in Cincinnati, OH. Here’s why you should consider installing or upgrading your water treatment system: Breweries: Beer is 90 percent water, which means that if you’re... View Article

Does My Commercial Water Softener Need to Be Replaced?

February 3, 2020 6:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Anyone who has had to deal with the hassles associated with hard water knows that water softeners are unsung heroes. Hard water leaves behind mineral deposits, which make it harder to clean and run appliances and equipment in commercial and industrial facilities. Unfortunately, like any appliance or device, water softeners are also subject to wear and tear over time. At some point, you might need to look into commercial water softener replacement in Cincinnati, OH. Here’s how you can tell it’s time for a new one. Hard water spots: This is the most obvious sign of a malfunctioning water softener.... View Article

Why Does Lab Water Need to Be Purified?

January 16, 2020 6:29 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Water is commonly used in labs across the world, whether it’s used for washing, equipment cleanup or in the experiments themselves. If you’re using tap water in your experiments, it’s important to note that it could have a very real impact on your results, thanks to the presence of particles, organic and inorganic compounds, heavy metals, gases and more. When your results depend on your water quality, it’s important to have purified lab water in Cincinnati, OH. Read on to better understand why. Why does the water need to be pure? The scientific method depends on well-constructed experiments in order... View Article

How to Test the Quality of Your Water

January 3, 2020 6:27 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Having clean, potable water for drinking, cooking, bathing and industrial applications is crucial to the health of the public and survival of your business, which is why routine water testing is so important. It’s also important to test your water to ensure that your water treatment system is still functioning properly—even if you haven’t noticed any problems lately, you’ll want to ensure your system is working at max efficiency. When you test your water, you’ll be looking for coliform bacteria (which can indicate the presence of sewage), nitrates, pesticides, lead, chlorine and more. Your water test should also let you... View Article

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

December 2, 2019 6:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Osmosis is a critical part of the natural world, one of the countless biological processes that keeps the world turning. Since the 1950s, this simple process has been turned on its head to support people from all walks of life. Known as reverse osmosis, this innovative process supplies clean water to commercial and industrial operations in every sector. For those Cincinnati, OH business owners wondering, “What is reverse osmosis?” here is your answer. Osmosis and reverse osmosis Osmosis occurs when two liquids of different thicknesses are separated by a semi-permeable membrane. In nature, the substance of lower concentration will gravitate... View Article