If your business uses a water softening system, then you know the importance of regular care and maintenance—a lack of service can lead to your system malfunctioning at the worst possible time. Over time, hard water can have a negative impact, shortening the life and quality of your commercial or industrial machines, equipment and products that rely on a clean water source. Ultimately, using a quality water softener can go a long way toward protecting your livelihood. Planning on investing in a water system, or already own one? Here are five signs that your commercial water softener in Cincinnati, OH... View Article
Water softeners are crucial to the pre-treatment of boiler water. Through a process called ion exchange, water softeners remove metals from hard water and replace them with sodium ions, resulting in “softer” water. If your commercial or industrial business uses a boiler, you should really consider installing an industrial or commercial water softener in Cincinnati, OH. The reason water softeners are so important for treating boilers is because improper water treatment is one of the major causes of irreversible boiler tube damage. To keep your boiler running efficiently for a long time, it’s critical that you pre-treat your boiler water... View Article
Whether the water that you have in your business is used for drinking, cleaning or cooking, it is important to ensure that your water is clean and clear of contaminants. Hard water, which is caused by high levels of calcium and magnesium, can cause a variety of issues. Hard water can clog pipes, leave water spots and even prevent the proper dissolution of cleaning materials and soap. Because of the scale buildup in pipes and water appliances caused by hard water, it can even take a toll on the efficiency of your water heater. In order to prevent these issues,... View Article
Developments in water purification have made it possible for water to be made clean, clear and safe for drinking, cooking, bathing and even use in medical facilities. There are many different types of filtration systems and water purification processes that are employed to ensure optimum water hygiene and clarity, including the use of reverse osmosis (RO) systems. A commercial RO water system in Cincinnati, OH can improve water quality and remove potentially harmful contaminants. How reverse osmosis systems work Reverse osmosis systems have a pump and motor which are responsible for creating the pressure necessary to reverse the natural osmosis... View Article