September 11, 2017 10:03 pm
Ultra Pure Water Technologies, LLC is an expert in ozone disinfection in Cincinnati, OH and other water disinfection processes. When your industry demands pure water, we find the best process for your needs and implement it. Even if you know water disinfection is necessary, you may not know how the process works. Read on to learn how! The water disinfection process Water disinfection is the process of removal or deactivating of pathogenic microorganisms. This is necessary for water used for human consumption, but also for any medical, pharmaceutical or scientific venture. The same is true for the food industry; a... View Article
August 30, 2017 2:16 am
Not all water is created equal. There are different grades of water that are appropriate for different uses. Tap water often contains substances and impurities that might cause reactions in a laboratory setting. Purified lab water is essential for laboratory and industrial purposes to reduce scientific variability and the presence of bacteria. Industrial water purification in Cincinnati, OH will help remove these impurities and provide you with purified reagent grade water (RGW) that is appropriate for your facility’s applications, whether those include washing, transportation, food processing or chemical usage. If your facility requires lab water, it’s important to understand why... View Article
August 16, 2017 2:15 am
Water softeners are crucial to the pre-treatment of boiler water. Through a process called ion exchange, water softeners remove metals from hard water and replace them with sodium ions, resulting in “softer” water. If your commercial or industrial business uses a boiler, you should really consider installing an industrial or commercial water softener in Cincinnati, OH. The reason water softeners are so important for treating boilers is because improper water treatment is one of the major causes of irreversible boiler tube damage. To keep your boiler running efficiently for a long time, it’s critical that you pre-treat your boiler water... View Article
July 26, 2017 2:57 pm
If you are a business looking to upgrade your facility’s water purification system to a system that is more efficient, or seeking information to help you choose the right system, then some terminology may interest you—specifically, “reverse osmosis” (RO) and “deionization” (DI), because they play a role in the water purification process for a wide range of industries. Another term to know is “deionized water,” which is the type of high quality water needed to clean instruments and fixtures used in certain facilities. Properly deionized water in Cincinnati, OH does not contain mineral ions, and other water contaminants are greatly... View Article
July 12, 2017 2:57 pm
Water quality and purification are extremely important in certain industries to make very sure that contamination does not occur and to lower the possibility of infection. These industries include hospitals, medical facilities and laboratories—essentially, any place that provides people with services or products that can affect health or physical wellbeing. Deionized water is the key to reaching the standard for purified water. Two big questions may be on your mind: What is deionization in Cincinnati, OH? And which industries use deionized water? Read on for a closer look! What exactly is deionization? Deionization is a process of ion exchange that... View Article