Here Are Three Ways You Can Test for Hard Water

November 24, 2021 9:11 pm Leave your thoughts

According to, 85 percent of homes in the United States have hard water. The level of hardness varies throughout the country. Some states in New England have water that’s only slightly hard, while several Midwestern states have water that qualifies as extremely hard. Wherever you live, you may want to know how to test for hard water. Hard water testing can let you know just how hard your water is (or if it’s even hard at all). This article will cover a trio of ways to test for hard water. Soap suds DIY test For this hard water testing... View Article

Seven Benefits of Using Deionized Water for Car Washing

November 10, 2021 9:11 pm Leave your thoughts

One of the key tenets of automobile maintenance is washing your vehicle. Experts say you should wash your car every two to four weeks—but cleaning your car yourself isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes the hard water from your hose can contain pesky and unwanted minerals that make cleaning your car more difficult. This is why you should consider using deionized water for washing cars. Deionized water is considered by many to be the best water for car washing. Deionized water is a pure form of water that’s been filtered with the goal of removing potentially harmful minerals. It’s as close to... View Article

What Are DI Exchange Tanks Used For?

October 18, 2021 8:55 pm Leave your thoughts

When you’re considering a deionization (DI) water purification system, you may have heard about DI exchange tanks. What are they used for, and do you need one? If you have or are considering a service deionization system (SDI), it will use a DI exchange tank. They replace synthetic resins that are used to capture harmful anions and cations. However, if you have an electrodeionization system (EDI), you won’t need one. These systems continuously regenerate on their own. When to use DI exchange tanks DI exchange tanks are usually used downstream, in a reverse osmosis system. However, they can also be... View Article

Deionized Water vs. Distilled Water

October 4, 2021 8:55 pm Leave your thoughts

When you’re trying to find the right water purification system, the terms you encounter may sound similar. You might assume that each system produces the same results. However, there are differences between deionized and distilled water. They use different methods to purify water, and are used by different industries. Read on to learn more about deionized versus distilled water. Differences between deionized and distilled water The main difference in deionized and distilled water is how it’s produced. To create distilled water, water is boiled until it becomes a vapor. Then the vapor is condensed back into a liquid, in another... View Article

Why Is It Important to Recycle Water?

October 1, 2021 2:47 pm Leave your thoughts

We’ve all heard of recycling plastics, cardboard, paper and other materials. But did you know that water can also be recycled? It’s true, and it’s becoming increasingly popular worldwide. This post will answer all of your questions about reusing water, including what benefits you stand to gain from recycling water. What are the benefits of recycling water? Let’s start with the perks of recycling water. These are a few reasons to retrofit your business with a water purification system: Environmental factors: Overuse of water threatens our ecosystem. In fact, the United States Bureau of Reclamation reported that 21 fish species... View Article