Industrial Uses of Purified Water
There are numerous industrial uses of purified water depending on the product the industry specializes in producing. Distilled water is essential in the pharmaceuticals and agriculture sectors. Let’s take a quick look at various industries that rely on purified water for their operations, including the two named above.
Pharmaceutical Water Purification
Purified water in the pharmaceutical industry is vital as it’s considered one of the significant ingredients for developing and processing pharmaceuticals. In this industry, purified water uses include synthesis, product reconstitution, production of finished products, and as a cleaning agent. Additionally, it is used in the granulation process for tablets and capsules, feeding water for the production of water for injection (WFI).
Since we have already seen different uses of pharmaceutical water, it is essential to note two types of water: bulk water and packaged water. The latter water type is produced under normal conditions and packaged but is sterilized for longer shelf life while maintaining its microbial properties. In addition, depending on the product or operation, a specific water grade is utilized.
Pharmaceutical Water Purification Stages
Usually, a pharmaceutical water purification system involves two stages that render the water to attain the required quality for pharmaceutical use.
Stage 1 (Pre-Treatment Stage)
It’s the initial stage where water quality is modified, ensuring that the targeted contaminants don’t pass to the next phase. Consequently, these group contaminants are removed to ensure the downstream unit treatment process is met smoothly without impurities. Among impurities found in group contaminants include scale-forming minerals, suspended solids, and chlorine.
Stage 2 (Final Treatment)
Also known as preparation, the final stage is when the pre-treated water gets further treatment to improve water quality. Modern technology applies here as the water is passed through reverse osmosis, removing most contaminants except gases. The next phase is electrodeionization (EDI), which reduces conductivity levels lower than the target limit before storage.
Purified Hydroponic Water
Purified water is gaining significant use in the agricultural sector as we’re about to see some of its use in farming. Hydroponics involves growing plants purely in self-contained systems that depend on nutrients, light, a substrate, and light rather than soil.
Understanding the best grade for hydroponic is critical as this determines the success levels of the project. Purified water, also known as distilled water, is the best grade for hydroponics as it lacks harmful contaminants. Dilution of pure and tap water provides maximum effect for plant growth; additionally, one can utilize tap water that has undergone reverse osmosis as the process purifies it.
Purified Water In The Commercial Beverage Industry
Most commercial beverage industries prefer purified water to maintain consistency in taste, color, and smell. The industry’s purified water guarantees consumers a satisfying that is safe for their consumption. Each bottle must be rinsed and deionized before refilling for maximum product purity.
Purified Water in Lead-Acid Battery Production
The lead-acid battery has cells that would quickly erode if not well maintained. Therefore, distilled and deionized water is commonly used in these types of batteries to prevent erosion of the cells.
Quality Water Assured at Ultra Pure Water Technologies
For the best quality water, welcome to Ultra Pure Water Technologies. We specialize in installing, selling, designing, maintaining, and servicing commercial, industrial, and medical pre-treatment and filtration systems. In addition, we offer softeners, water filter replacements, carbon filtration, deionization reverse osmosis, and more. For our top-notch services, kindly call us today at (513) 771-2434, or you can also reach us online today.
Categorised in: Industrial Water Treatment Systems
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