How Important Is Water Sanitation and Purified Water During the Pandemic?
The coronavirus pandemic has knocked us all for a loop. Many of us have had to unlearn and relearn what we knew we thought about virus transmission, but it’s ultimately led us to a spot where we feel comfortable advising our commercial and industrial clients on proper water sanitation and hygiene. Working with commercial water treatment system installers in Cincinnati, OH might prove to be the right move for your business, but it’s important to understand the variables that can impact this decision.
Understanding COVID-19’s impact on water demand
The first thing to note is that many large users of water have scaled back their usage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns and travel restrictions have largely meant that many industrial users simply can’t operate at a clip where they need pre-pandemic amounts of water. In fact, some industry groups estimate that cumulative industrial water usage could fall as much as 27 percent over the course of the pandemic. Water utilities have felt the pinch the most from this development, but it remains to be seen what the trickle-down effects are for commercial and industrial customers.
COVID-19 and water safety
As usage has declined, many customers are expressing concerns about stagnation—if commercial or industrial facilities sit unused or underutilized, there is a chance that the water currently sitting in pipes and machines will begin to decline in quality and potentially even help to breed disease. An important thing to note is that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not believe that COVID-19 can be transmitted through recreational waters (like those at public pools and so forth), but it still behooves most of our clients to take as many precautions as possible.
On the flip side, trace amounts of the virus have been found in untreated wastewater, so it’s not as if all forms of water are inhospitable to the coronavirus. We are still learning more about this terrible virus every day, but in the meantime, installing a commercial water treatment system in Cincinnati, OH is an option that many business owners should at least consider.
Inequality and the pandemic
Water is one of the world’s most precious resources, and an astounding 3 billion people lack access to handwashing facilities in their homes. This can lead to a lack of hygienic practices that can really cause diseases like COVID-19 to gain a solid foothold. This is less of a problem here in the United States, but partnering with commercial water treatment system installers in Cincinnati, OH is still an effective and efficient way to ensure your own supply stays safe and clean.
A reliable supply of clean water is a vital asset of any factory, commercial enterprise or medical facility. The coronavirus and the cleaning required to keep it at bay have made this all the more apparent, which is why our team at Ultra Pure Water Technologies is committed to helping our customers achieve pristine water hygiene. Give us a call today to discuss anything from filtration to water softening systems.
Categorised in: Commercial Water Treatment Systems
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