Your Guide to Brewing Water Treatment in Cincinnati, OH
Brewing beer is an art. Each brew is made a little differently, with the brewer’s own personal spin on the minerals, hops, malt and yeast included in each type. However, many brewers fail to realize that one crucial component of beer has the potential to change beer for the better—or worse.
Beer is 90 percent water, and within that water are many forms of minerals and chemicals, depending on your local water source. Magnesium, chloride, calcium, iron, sulfates and other minerals and elements can affect the taste of your beer and even ruin an entire brew if the chemical composition is off.
Additionally, minerals in the local water can severely limit you as a brewer. Using water as-is might restrict you to creating certain types of beer, while others just won’t turn out properly. Making small changes to the mineral composition in your water can open doors to new styles of beer, alleviating limitations and allowing you to further your craft.
To do this, you’ll want to rely on a series of commercial water treatment systems in Cincinnati, OH. Water treatment systems can help you remove particular minerals and chemicals, resulting in pure, high-quality water that’s perfect for all types of brews.
First steps for identifying necessary water treatment
The first thing you’ll want to do during the process of obtaining pure water is figure out what kind of water is currently available to you. To do this, contact your local water utility and ask for a water quality report, which will identify the major mineral compounds in your water and what quantities are present. You can also speak with a water treatment professional to have your water composition identified and receive their suggestions for treatment systems.
Knowing what is present in your water will allow you to determine the type of system you need to achieve the desired mineral level for your new type of beer. Most importantly, you should get a firm understanding of three things: your water’s pH (acidity or basicity), hardness (calcium and magnesium levels) and alkalinity (buffering capacity).
Ideal water treatment methods for breweries
Boiling and diluting may be options for some brewers to achieve the ideal water composition, but these methods often take too much time and are costly for large-scale brewing operations. Instead, commercial water treatment systems in Cincinnati, OH can provide large volumes of water for minimal long-term costs with the help of a water treatment design company:
- Carbon filtration: Carbon filtration is largely used to remove organic contaminants from water, as well as for removing chloramines that may interfere with the brewing process. Many breweries relying on city water supplies will require carbon filtration systems as an initial treatment step.
- Reverse osmosis: Reverse osmosis (RO) systems use pressurized membrane filters to remove organics, inorganics and some minerals from the water supply.
- Deionization: Deionization systems will remove all minerals using ion-exchange resins, resulting in extremely pure water that can be modified with minerals afterwards to create the perfect brew.
For the best, most pure water source for brewing, use a combination of RO, deionization and carbon filtration. Once you water has been purified and treated, you can add the necessary salts and minerals to your brewing water and create the most accurate, best-tasting brew possible.
Ultra Pure Water Technologies specializes in the design, sale, installation and service of commercial water treatment systems in Cincinnati, OH. If your brewery is in need of water treatment systems to purify your water supply, give us a call to receive a free estimate and learn how our systems can benefit your business!
Categorised in: Commercial Water Treatment Systems
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