August 8, 2018 4:12 pm
Are you in the market for a commercial water purification system in Cincinnati, OH? If so, you should be aware of the importance of proper service and follow-up for your system. This can be provided by professionals who specialize in these products. A professional touch can ensure your water purification system provides optimal service and offers an extended lifespan. At Ultra Pure Water Technologies, we provide full service to our clients. Our complete package includes everything you need for pure water. If you’re in need of a commercial water purification system in Cincinnati, OH, consider the following advantages you’ll experience... View Article
July 25, 2018 2:42 pm
For some years now, the hospitality industry has relied heavily on the use of bottled water, as people traveling from various locations around the country and the world have been hesitant to drink hotel tap water. This is despite the fact that the vast majority of places around the country have tap water that is perfectly safe to drink—it’s more of a preference on the part of the travelers to avoid water that “tastes differently” than their tap water back home. Bottled water has a consistent taste to it that will not be found offensive by anyone who drinks it.... View Article
July 11, 2018 2:42 pm
There are numerous benefits to using purified water for all types of applications, including cosmetic and beauty reasons. Many people already use purified or distilled water for some of their beauty products, so if you’re not already doing so yourself, you might consider trying it, especially if you’re the owner of a salon or spa. Here’s some information about the benefits of commercial water purification in Cincinnati, OH for cosmetic applications. Distilled and purified water in salons Distilled water is water that has gone through the distillation process, which involves separating the liquid from the other substances that might be... View Article
June 26, 2018 10:07 pm
Manufacturers of foods and beverages should never underestimate just how important water quality is in their industry. Having water that is pure and free of contaminants is crucial in manufacturing, no matter what type of food or drink you’re making. Here are just a few reasons why commercial water purification in Cincinnati, OH is an absolute must for food and beverage manufacturers: Taste: Water is a primary ingredient in many foods and all beverages. Water constitutes more than 90 percent of the vast majority of beverages you’ll find for sale. This means it will have a significant impact on the... View Article
June 12, 2018 10:07 pm
There are many different organizations in the United States that set some fairly strict standards for water purity. Certain types of facilities, such as labs and medical centers, must meet the strictest of these compliance standards to ensure their water is as pure as possible. Organizations with their own sets of water standards include AAM, ANSI, ASTM, CAP, NCCLS and USB, with three of these (ASTM, USP and NCCLS) being particularly prevalent in a variety of industry settings. If you’re hoping to meet these stringent purity standards, you’ll need a high-quality filter using technologies such as reverse osmosis, cartridge filtration,... View Article